Rehabilitation and Education
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- Last updated:2024-06-05
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Edification and education is the centerpiece of the corrective program in penalty execution. In fulfilling this task, the prison sticks to four ideals: making prison administration humanistic, rational, transparent, and school-like. When the prison conducts educational activities and skill trainings, it always sees to it that while serving prison sentence the inmates will continue to absorb new knowledge so that they are not alienated from society. Our goal is to execute penalty under the framework of society. Imprisonment is re-education aimed to turn bad elements into good people, to prepare them for life in society after discharge, and to make society crime-free.
Literary and recreational activities can enrich inmates’ spiritual life and calm down their emotions. These can also promote esprit de corps and the sense of honor among the inmates. Therefore, these activities are valuable. Following are literary and recreational activities this prison has offered:
- Improve Guidance, Consulting and Counseling Each district in the prison has established a “Guidance and Counseling Room” in order to ascertain, console and counsel inmates regarding misgivings they have in life management; instructors consult directly with inmates to clearly understand the inmates’ thinking, feelings and emotions; through counseling skills based on understanding and acceptance, guide them to correct deviant attitudes and urge them to obey prison rules.
- Implement Religious Instruction The prison has established Buddhist, Catholic and Protestant sanctuaries and invites monks, priests and pastors to preach on a regular, weekly basis. Inmates are freely allowed to join according to their personal faith in the hope that, through the strength of religious guidance, cruelty may be transformed into gentleness, evil intentions may be washed away, and inmates may attain the goal of repentance and improvement.
- Implement Cultural and Recreational Activities The prison library now contains 49,745 books and supports 13 mobile book carts to encourage inmates to read and write. The prison regularly promotes essay writing, speaking, singing, poster making, board games and ball games, and often invites college students or local charitable organizations to the prison for performances. There are daily T.V. programs and music broadcasts to bring enjoyment and enrich life. Together, the above is meant to exert a favorable influence with the effect of a silent transformation of inmates’ character.